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Brockmeyer & Recruitee integration guideline
Brockmeyer & Recruitee integration guideline

Brockmeyer & Recruitee integration guideline

Geschreven door Brockmeyer Support
Meer dan 4 maanden geleden bijgewerkt

Welcome to Brockmeyer & Recruitee integration guideline, where we explain to you how to connect your Recruitee account to Brockmeyer to receive free-of-charge HR media advice.

What is the integration about?

This integration enables you to simplify and optimise your sourcing strategy by automating your job postings.

  • Simply publish your vacancy in your Recruitee account. A signal is given to Brockmeyer and your vacancy details will be sent to our Jobmarketing Portal.

  • Based on our AI data-driven suggestion engine, Brockmeyer creates a job marketing proposal by recommending the most relevant job channels for your vacancy.

  • A link is sent to your Recruitee mailbox, just click on it to review, edit and approve your recruitment campaign.

  • The candidates are redirected to your application form and registered into your Recruitee account

How to activate the integration?

In your Recruitee account, go to your ‘home’ screen and copy your careers Recruitee Company URL:

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Send an email to including the following information:

  • Subject: Recruitee Integration Request

  • Company name & Contact person

  • Email address you use for your Recruitee mailbox

  • Your Recruitee career page URL

We get in touch with you, create a login to our Job Marketing portal, and establish the connection to your Recruitee account.


What’s in it for you?

  • Save time & reduce workload by automating your job postings

  • Save money by benefiting from our purchase advantages

  • Gain market knowledge thanks to our Job marketing portal

  • Optimize your recruitment budget by gaining insights into the job boards’ performance.


How to use this integration and receive job marketing advice?

  1. Create your vacancy and click on Publish.

    A screenshot of a computer

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  2. Your vacancy details are automatically pushed to your Job Marketing Portal account.

  3. Brockmeyer Recruitment Marketing experts create your media advice, suggesting the most relevant job channels with the help of AI.

  4. Receive directly in your Recruitee mailbox a link to your media advice

  5. Log into your portal account, get access to our HR market insights (available in NL/BE/FR/DE)

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  6. Review, edit, and approve the media advice

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  7. Collect all candidates' applications into your Recruitee account

    A screenshot of a computer

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  8. Access all your campaigns’ performance in your Job Marketing Portal

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Which data is sent from Recruitee to Brockmeyer?

We only read the public job offer data which contains all published jobs in your Recruitee account. We need these vacancy details to help you publish your job on any channel you would like.

  • id

  • title

  • location

  • max_hours

  • min_hours

  • category_code

  • employment_type_code

  • postal_code

  • careers_url

  • country_code

  • state_code

  • experience_code

  • salary

  • -->max

  • -->min

  • description

  • education_code

  • careers_apply_url

  • requirements


How can you reach out to us?

We are always available via Just send us an e-mail and we will gladly answer any questions!

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